Algebra Papers

The algebra paper revolves around simple maths topics but requires consistent practise for attaining high marks. A few chapters include H.C.F and L.C.M, arithmetic progression, probability and various other important topics.
Paper pattern
Maharashtra Board SSC-X Algebra question paper consists of five questions. There is no provision for choosing and the candidate has to attempt all the five questions. From the first question, the candidates have to attempt six sub questions. They have to attempt four from the second and third. Three questions have to be answered from Question 4 and 5. The use of calculators is not permitted and the candidates have to solve the problems manually. There are no sections in the question paper.
Distribution of marks
All the five sections are allotted equal marks, 12 marks. So, the whole paper is for a total of 60 marks. Within a question, all sub questions carry equal mark. The mark of each sub question will depend on the total number of sub question that you have to attempt in a section.
Duration of the paper
The exam is conducted for a period of two and a half hours. The candidates have to finish answering the paper within this allotted time. At the beginning of the examination, the candidates will be allotted 15 minutes for reading the questions and making choices. The candidates have to practise and should learn to do the numerical problems at a rapid speed if they have any notion of attempting all the questions.
Preparing for the exam
There is no other better way of preparing for the exam than working out the problems. There is no alternative when it comes to algebra. It is good to refer previous year question paper. This will enable you to familiarize the pattern of the question paper and face the exam without any difficulty.
Download Maharashtra Board SSC-X, Algebra Papers

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